

  • French-style Deviled Eggs (Oeufs Mimosa)

    by Audrey

    Deviled eggs seem to be a favorite at any party… and for good reason! This popular French version, known as “Oeufs Mimosa”, presents hard-boiled eggs cut in half and stuffed with a rich and creamy filling of egg yolks, mayonnaise, Dijon mustard and fresh herbs for classic French flavor. Read along for another fun French twist that explains the “Mimosa” name.

  • White Asparagus à la Grenobloise

    by Audrey

    This simple starter of White Asparagus à la Grenobloise is a French Spring classic. Tender and slightly sweet white asparagus, which are incredibly popular in France, are doused with a tangy Grenobloise sauce of butter, lemon, capers, parsley and crunchy croutons. This delightful dish is on the table in just 20 minutes, making the most of asparagus season.

  • Creamy Roasted Cauliflower Soup

    by Audrey

    A classic Breton recipe, this Cauliflower Soup uses a whole head of cauliflower, chopped and roasted, to create a thick texture that’s very satisfying and with an incredible depth of flavor. It requires staple ingredients and no cream, but tastes perfectly rich and creamy thanks to the blended cauliflower. Serve it as a side or a meal on its own, to keep you warm on crisp evenings. 

Pardon your French

Let’s bring French flavors to your kitchen! I share uncomplicated and classic recipes, lesser-known regional dishes and a few modern takes. Making French cooking easy, approachable and cliché-free is my priority.

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