

  • Lamb Navarin (Navarin d’agneau)

    by Audrey

    A Lamb Navarin stew, or “Navarin d’Agneau” in French, combines tender lamb chunks with loads of seasonal vegetables – including carrots, peas, turnips and new potatoes. It is a hearty, but lighter stew often enjoyed in France to wave goodbye to Winter. Embrace this Spring classic, fit for Easter celebrations or any festive gathering!

  • French-Style Mac ‘n Cheese with Peas

    by Audrey

    Who doesn’t love a creamy, melty and comforting mac n’ cheese? But have you ever had a French-Style Mac n’ Cheese before? If not, you’re in for a treat!  The foundation of this creamy casserole is a velvety white Béchamel sauce spiked with nutmeg to which we add a hefty amount of crème fraiche for richness and tang, and then Gruyère cheese for sweet, nutty flavors and great cheesy strings. This is a luscious and comforting recipe that’s a staple of French Mountain cooking. 

  • A French “jardinière” is a colorful mixed vegetable side dish, usually served along with a big feast of meat –such as a Beef Sirloin Tip Roast. I love that there is no strict rules when composing a Jardinière: you can use vegetables according to what is in season – or in your garden (jardinière meaning a female gardener in French) By deduction, Spring is a wonderful season to compose a jardinière, and I love to play with seasonal vegetables such as spring peas, green beans, wax beans and carrots to create …

Pardon your French

Let’s bring French flavors to your kitchen! I share uncomplicated and classic recipes, lesser-known regional dishes and a few modern takes. Making French cooking easy, approachable and cliché-free is my priority.

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