

  • Spring time is a perfect moment to indulge in leeks with Dijon Shallot Vinaigrette, known in French as “Poireaux vinaigrette”. This cold starter of tender poached leeks served with a tangy vinaigrette dressing is a timeless French classic. And for good reason—it is a delicious, affordable, and uncomplicated starter to make at home. It also gives these seasonal vegetables often thought of as a supporting player, a well-deserved moment to shine.

  • Swiss Chard Pancakes (Farçous)

    by Audrey

    These succulent Swiss Chard Pancakes are known in French as “Farçous”. They hail from Aveyron, a lesser-known region in Occitanie, in South-Central France. Sparsely populated and left mostly unspoiled with wild pastures and picturesque hamlets, Aveyron is often refered to as “La France Profonde” (the deep France). But its cuisine is anything but ho-hum, with many local specialties being staples all throughout Southern France, including the world-famous Pommes Aligot, Gâteau à la Broche and these little Farçous.    

  • If you’re attending a barbecue or outdoor get-together in the thick of Summer in France, there’s a good chance you’ll stumble on these Provence-Style Tomatoes topped with Breadcrumbs and Herbs. Known as “Tomates à la Provençale”, this typical warm-weather dish from Provence calls for fresh, seasonal tomatoes slowly confit’d on the stove-top (meaning they’re slowly cooked in their own juice). The confit tomatoes are then finished off in the oven topped with breadcrumbs, garlic and Herbes de Provence, and cooked until crisp and golden. Like most rustic French recipes, it …

  • French-Style Couscous Salad (Taboulé)

    by Audrey

    If you’ve ever gone grocery shopping in France and stumbled on our French  “Taboulé”, you may have raised an eyebrow… Yes, what the French call “Taboulé” is more of a loose-adaptation from the authentic Levantine “Tabbouleh” made of bulgur and a bounty of herbs – but trust me, it’s just as delicious.   Instead of bulgur, the French Taboulé is made with couscous that is often cooked in chicken stock for extra flavour, and studded with diced vegetables and raisins. It also uses less mint and other herbs which gives …

  • A French “jardinière” is a colorful mixed vegetable side dish, usually served along with a big feast of meat –such as a Beef Sirloin Tip Roast. I love that there is no strict rules when composing a Jardinière: you can use vegetables according to what is in season – or in your garden (jardinière meaning a female gardener in French) By deduction, Spring is a wonderful season to compose a jardinière, and I love to play with seasonal vegetables such as spring peas, green beans, wax beans and carrots to create …

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Pardon your French

Let’s bring French flavors to your kitchen! I share uncomplicated and classic recipes, lesser-known regional dishes and a few modern takes. Making French cooking easy, approachable and cliché-free is my priority.

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